Thursday, January 01, 2015

A New Year, A New Word

For a couple of years now I have been picking a "word for the year" and it's better than making a new year's resolution. Throughout the year I can reflect on that word and be inspired. 

Last year my word was "joy".  I must say, 2014 had it's challenges, but I found joy in oh so many ways. Mostly in the people I met, the stories they told and the art they shared.

 And that is why I chose "connect" for my 2015 word.

Actually the word came to me back in October while attending Karen Walrond's Lime Retreat here in Houston. (link to the the blogpost from October is here.)

Connect is a word that I use when I want to share, collaborate, support, give and get feedback and listen to others. It is my new year intention to connect on all kinds of levels with all kinds of women, men and young adults.  Most of all, I want to connect with my Higher Power… who I've called God, Goddess, Source, Inner Wise Self or Hey You.

I invite you to come along on my path.

Let's get started.

Feel free to leave a comment after any of my blogposts. Just say Hi! so I know you are out there!!

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Here's hoping you have a wonderful New Year.
 Be happy, be well.

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