There's Dazy & Josie lounging around in the backyard over the weekend. Not a care in the world. Over by the birdfeeder, we spotted this wood-pecker enjoying his Memorial Day picnic and the cardinal waited patiently for his turn at the feeder. What you don't see is a picture of the rude squirrel who hung upside down and ripped into the birdfeeder so he could eat what was left.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
Memorial Day Weekend
Yay! Don't you just love 3-day weekends? The "chef" and I are staying right here in our own backyard to celebrate Memorial Day. He's got the grill fired up and ready for our gourmet hot dogs! Have you ever seen these "charcoal chimneys"? They're great. No need to use lighter fluid and get toxic fumes on your nutritious hot dogs! I've got my camera on hand taking backyard snapshots of the birds, butterflies, squirrels and whoever else shows up. I'll be posting them in a day or two.
Monday, May 23, 2005
A Day of Drawing
In and of themselves, these drawings aren't that great but I wanted to do a day of drawing and committed myself to it. I started out with a cup of coffee and sharpened my pencils using my "antique" sharpener that works better than any plug in kind or battery operated kind I ever tried.
Laundry Day
Ever the multi-tasker, I had to get a few loads of laundry in while I spent my day drawing.
Backyard sketches
Once the laundry was taken care of, it was time to hang out in the backyard with the dogs and draw some leaves.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Tree Drawing
Apparantly this particular drawing gets a lot of attention and I don't know why. If you are interested in my current blog post click CLICK HERE
Anyway, glad you found me!
Here is a drawing I did after reading Frederick Franck's book,Zen Seeing Zen drawing
I was inspired to draw a tree in my backyard. The quote from the book says, "I trust that what words cannot convey the drawing will."That's the thing about drawing, you really can't talk about it or write about it, you just do it and whenever you go back and look at the drawing you get feelings or memories that are vivid and beyond words. And if it's a drawing by another artist, if it moves you, it's not about a description of the drawing, it's about a feeling you get when you look at it.Time to get out the sketchbook and sharpen up the No.2 pencils and just draw!Monday, May 16, 2005
Draw Me!
Who's old enough to remember these ads??? While cleaning out my office the other day, I came upon some old - and I mean old - magazines (1956). I've been having a gay old time getting ideas for my retro theme. I think I'll give this challenge a try and post my drawing tomorrow. Anyone else want to draw her??
UPDATE Click to see
my drawing
Thursday, May 12, 2005
16 years of stuff
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Another fabric collage
I was so inspired at the Houston Quilt show when I went last October. Thanks to my friend Tishy, the Guest Artist, who took me with her. At first I resisted going because I am not a traditional quilter; but once I saw all the "art quilts" and fabulous choices of fabrics, I realized you don't have to be an expert seamstress to make fabric collages, just a quirky artist like me!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Happy Mother's Day
I play off my memories of growing up in the 1950's to create cloth collages. To see more of this kind of work re-visit my early blog pages.
I'll post another one in this series very soon.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Guest Artist
My good friend, Tish has been making these exquisite postcards with fabric and embellishments that she sends all over the world as part of an art exchange.You go, girl!
Isn't it great when you can get together with your friends and share techniques and work on projects together? We call ourselves the "La-La's"; stands for "Lake Ladies" because we try to get together every so often at Tish's lake house and do nothing but art projects all day and night. Hey, isn't it about time we did that again??
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I posted the "product" already. It was the Creativity Chain. As for the "process", here's all the fun stuff I had going on while building it. Whenever I take a workshop I can expect to come away with some new ideas to inspire me. I like learning about new products or new ways to work with the same old stuff. Everyone likes to leave a class with something to show for it, but sometimes it's not about the finished piece, it's more about the exploration and experimentation. My goal is to develop a workshop that I can teach. More on that in the coming months.....