The following quote provided the inspiration that made me realize I have something to share that others may need. I am not special, we all have something to share that others may need!
"Essentially, the life of expression is the ongoing journey of how we heal each other… for by telling our stories and listening to the stories of others, we let out who we are and find ourselves in each other, and find that we are more together than alone." ~Mark Nepo
Social media connects us in ways that go beyond geographic locations. It's easy to find others in our "tribe" who have similar interests. Most of us create alone, but may need friends and followers to bounce off ideas or get feedback.
Collaborations are good for breaking creative boundaries and exploring new ideas.
In the premiere issue of my e-digest, Reflection and Sparks, I shared step by step instructions for art journaling along with examples. You don't have to be an artist to express your feelings with words and images.
In the second "Reflection and Sparks", I provided art as visual prompts for writers and I encouraged anyone who writes to submit. They didn't have to be "professional" writers.
There's more to learn, to inspire, to share.
... more techniques
... more encouragement
... more possibilities

20 pages, published 11/20/2014
Reflections and Sparks is a 20 page digest filled with art journal pages from the artist, Sharon Hendry. She writes how she was inspired to find a creative process to free her imagination and express her unique vision. The artwork is meant to inspire others to take a blank sketchbook and fill it with their own "reflection and spark" ideas. Step by step instructions are provided. No artistic experience necessary, just a strong desire create with…

20 pages, published 4/14/2015
The process of writing, painting and collaging has helped Sharon get to the root of her creativity but her intention to share the work goes beyond self expression. Her vision for this second issue of Reflerction & Sparks is to ignite a connective link between artists and writers. She puts out a "call for submissions" on social media for contributors. The words and images are meant to inspire others to create their own visual and verbal stories.
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