Sunday, February 16, 2014

Q: When is a heart not really a heart? (Giveaway!)

A:  When it’s a leaf.

Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but  I wanted to share some tips and giveaway this last heart to one of my blog visitors.

Since I still have some scraps left over from my “Week of Hearts”, what caught my attention was some printed fabric with leaves on a red background. The tip of the leaf became the point of the heart as I cut it out.

I thought I’d share a few tips about stitching “mes petit images cousues”  of hearts. (but it can be anything, not just hearts)
  1. Tear instead of cut. The tattered edge adds texture.
  2. If you like to cut and own a pair of pinking shears, make your own rick-rack by the cutting bottom and top edge of a strip of fabric.
  3. Don’t ignore the “back” side of the fabric. (I don’t know why they call it the wrong side.)
  4. Fill in backgrounds with small patches of fabric. (Good for adding more color to the background)
  5. Mix stripes and dots for more interest, variety and contrast.

Click here to see the "Week of Hearts"

UPDATE: I just discovered Nina-Marie's blog where quilt artist share their current work. I added my final heart there. (I'm #37). Lot's of good ideas being shared.