Monday, March 17, 2008

Been going through some emotional times here at e14studio but haven't abandoned my sketchbook and colors as I work my way through it. Art has always been a way for me to let it out.

Sometimes you have to crack me over the head with a tree branch in order for me to get it. I have been holding on to a whole lot of emotional baggage lately that finally came crashing down on me. Though I write in my journal about "Letting Go" and so forth, I haven't exactly been able to do such. What is it about some of us who think we are able to fix everything (but at what cost to ourselves?) I am taking it one day at a time (as it should be because that's how it works, right?). So, today's journal quote is this: "I don't know what is best for others because I don't know the lessons their Higher Power is offering them." If you are going a difficult time and feel overwhelmed, may this give you hope.

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