Sunday, July 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Frida Kahlo

frida, originally uploaded by e14studio.

...I copied these words from her diary. Do Not Forget Me.


bird's eye view said...

Hi Sharon,
I like how you've got Frida's face off-kilter in the mirror, like she's peeking in from an angle to take a look out at us. Did the big retrospective of her work go through Houston yet?

Dawn D. Sokol said...

Hey, Sharon: Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm glad you did—I like how you show your work on yours! I'll have to bookmark ya!

Like the Frida piece...Have you seen the movie? LOVED IT! It's now in my DVD collection...

Dawn said...

Great pages. I love how you put Frida in the mirror. These pages say Frida to me.