Sunday, December 11, 2005

12 tiny drawings

12drawings, originally uploaded by e14studio.

Yay! A day to hang out in the studio!
I show you these 12 little drawings that will be used in something I am designing for my friend's Christmas gift. But I can't go into detail now in case she checks my blog (which I doubt, because so many of my friends are too busy.) When it's all finished, I'll show you where these drawings ended up.
By working on them, I had a chance to use some glittery watercolors I bought when I was in Santa Fe. They come in tiny pots and the colors are very vibrant with shimmer that really makes the image pop. Actually, they're more like guoache (sp?) paints than watercolors in that they go on opaque and not transparent. I wish I kept the package they came in because I have no idea who sells them and I haven't seen them here in Texas. Oh well, another excuse to go back to Santa Fe so I can buy more of these nifty colors.

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