Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Creativity Chain

chain, originally uploaded by e14studio.

What do you think of my "creativity chain" from New Mexico? The idea was to create a mixed media piece using "sheer heaven" paper, 300# arches watercolor paper, wire, beads, etc. to create a variety of meaningful personal talismans. Once you do one, you can't stop! It's difficult to tell by the photo but the blue rectangular component is called a "word spinner". It has four sides and is hung with a fishing gadget that lets it spin. The idea is to write words on there for your personal intentions and hang it where you can see it often.

More to share very soon.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Sharon, I want cool stuff like that, you have a knack for finding and creating new stuff....Cool, guess that's why you're the teacher!(Jamal)